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Millets are a group of highly variable small-seed grasses, widely grown around the world (especially in India & Africa) as cereal crops or grains for human food and also as fodder. In India, millets have regularly been mentioned in some of the oldest Yajurveda texts, thus indicating that millet consumption was very common, pre-dating to the Indian Bronze Age (4,500BC). 


Like all the ancient empires, India has also left its mark in the history books, by introducing the world to this "SuperCrop" almost 10,000 years ago which remains advantageous to every stakeholder even today. At one point of time in history, Millets were particularly more eaten than rice.


Until 50 years ago millets was the major grain grown in India. From a staple food and integral part of local food cultures, just like many other things,  millets have come to be looked down upon by modern urban consumers as “coarse grains” - something that their village ancestors may have lived on, but that they had left behind and exchanged for a more “refined” diet. Unfortunately, this said refined diet lacks the nutrients critically important for us (food should be as local and wholesome as possible).


Millets are a Treasure Trove of health-promotive Nutrients & Minerals & being Gluten-free, they are safe for consumption for people of all ages. Millets are non-acid forming & non-allergic, hence easy to digest.

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